Selasa, 31 Juli 2018


ECTA is an innovative platform for global employment opportunities!

About ECTA

Due to the inability of existing educational institutions and consultations to effectively address the growing demand for AI, IOT and blockchain specialists, and everyday challenges, we decided to create a global blockchain based protocol called ECTA (Efficient Collaboration Team Autonomous). ECTA brings together levels of teamwork, teamwork and new payment solutions for unbanked, aiming to build a direct, secure and productive relationship between developers on the one hand and on the other hand individuals trying to realize their ideas, companies searching for undiscovered talent worldwide, educational institutions recognize trends in the 4th industrial revolution in a timely manner, and investors recognize the original project.
The mission of the ECTA protocol is to increase the time & efficiency of payments, build sincere relationships, and discover talents from low- and middle-income countries by utilizing their unique technical solutions driven by the AI ​​algorithm of intelligent solutions made earlier and all in synergy with smart-based contracts Ethereum to create measurable products.
In today's world, people face very serious problems finding work. Gifted employees can not find work because big companies often trust people who are very proven and do not try to find someone who is more advanced among the job seekers. But now the situation is dramatically decentralized platform developers Ecta believes that their project will simplify the lives of everyone who is trying to get a job or vice versa, looking for talented employees for their company. Now that you have not seen many resumes after checking the time, check all ECTA-specified data-decentralization platforms opening up new job opportunities. The talented people will be able to get a lot of decent apps, and the HR managers of big companies will find that employees, ready to do the job perfectly. Artificial Intelligence, which is the most important tool of the ECTA platform, enables you to quickly process employee data, rank, provide complete and verified information to simplify the process of hiring employees with the necessary complex skills. 
Most printing problems
Most graduate candidates may find that good job companies do not want to communicate with newcomers, trusting unverified people to perform complex tasks. They will go to the data for a long time, reviewing the resume and distrust of young specialists.
But this is not the only complication, you can identify some very important aspects that need to be changed:
The traditional system that allows job searching becomes too complicated and slow. Spend a lot of time getting a truly worthy offer. Employers always do not see all profiles-stop their choice before they get a resume from a truly talented person;
Many fake profiles. In addition to talented graduates who just want a good job, there are real scams - they try to work, using fake bills in popular services. It shows the wrong information that the employer will display-then has to deal with incompetent professionals who occupy the place of gifted people;
Struggling to find talent Often big companies do not try to turn their attention to small countries - and this is often here there are many qualified specialists, waiting for a profitable offer.
Solving problems
Decentralized ECTA platform developers believe they will be able to create a unique ecosystem that opens up global opportunities for workers and employers. The new platform is a unique symbiosis of several directions at the same time:
Human Resources. Here is a collection of data from many talented workers who want to be part of a big company;
Artificial intelligence. In this case, the program will process all information, systematize it, create a worker's catalog to simplify the search process for employers. It's very convenient and allows you to annoy people from additional time costs;
Blockchain. Unique modern technology opens up new aspects in different segments. Blockchain provides the ability to protect platform users under fraudulent schemes reliably;
Social network. This is where most of the information from employers and employees who are trying to get a job posted today. Artificial intelligence will allow you to gather all the necessary data and choose the most useful offers. In addition, the platform will allow to communicate directly with the built-in chat;
Platform Opportunities. Now you do not need to spend time looking for specialists who can perform tasks as quickly and efficiently as possible. In this case, entrepreneurs will be able to quickly find the most useful for themselves, taking into account the details of the task. Freelancers are also interested in this kind of cooperation, they get the opportunity to get regular customers and increase their income significantly. In some situations, casual workers affect the employees of large companies.
Benefits of a decentralized ECTA platform
It should be emphasized the key factors that can attract investors to this project:
The platform is characterized by a simple user interface that requires no special knowledge or experience;
Internal communication facilities that enable parties to communicate directly when entering transactions; 
Every transaction has been conducted qualitatively and transparently, guaranteed through the use of intellectual contracts;
The possibility of artificial intelligence-there is now no problem with finding useful offers. The system independently analyzes employee and employer data to select the ideal candidate for task performance assigned;
No intermediary received a significant Commission. Employees, as well as employers, pay only a small proportion of internal evidence. All funds received are used to further develop the platform and encourage participants;
Scam detection. This system carefully analyzes all the data that people provide - this allows you to quickly identify fraudsters and block them from the platform. Thanks to this approach, employees can rely on bona fide entrepreneurs and company employees-who are ready to do the assigned task.
Why It Benefits Employees Just  
Confirm Your Qualifications Get Immediate Profitable Offers. You do not need to update your resume regularly.
Why it is profitable for an employer  
There is no risk to employees-all resumes are verified by artificial intelligence. Companies will have the opportunity to have truly talented employees.
The Ecta project is very promising and promising, today developers are looking for investors to realize their potential.

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